Kickstart Your Spring Cleaning

Whenever Spring comes, it just feels like it’s time for a refresh! With everything going on in life, it can be difficult to get motivated when it comes to Spring cleaning. But in the end, it’s so helpful to clean up the home and get things in order again.

There are a few ways to kickstart your spring cleaning this year that we think you should know.

Get Motivated

To get motivated about Spring cleaning, you have to think of your why. Why do you want to do Spring cleaning? Is it because you want your household back in order? Is it because you need to get rid of things? Or maybe it’s just been a long time since you’ve done a good cleaning!

Whatever the why is, remind yourself of it and this will motivate you.

Include the Family

There’s no need to take on this task on your own! Be sure to make a good list of what needs to be done for your Spring cleaning and share that list with your family. If they don’t know, they can’t help!

Maybe have each person put their name next to tasks on the list in different colors. Set a date to finish all of the Spring cleaning tasks and then be sure to have a celebration at the end! You deserve to celebrate together after all of your hard work.


One of the main ways to get things back in order is to just declutter. Many times our mess isn’t necessarily dirty, it’s just a bunch of stuff. Gather together things like clothes, papers, toys, etc. and put them into categories in each room. Figure out what you need and what you don’t need.

Get Rid of It

After you declutter, you may want to get rid of a bunch of things! When in doubt, you probably don’t need it, so just get rid of it! If you haven’t seen Tidying Up on Netflix yet you won’t fully understand this concept, but the host always says that if the item doesn’t “spark joy” for you, then it’s time to say goodbye!

Did you know that Crossroads has a thrift store? Any items that you’re saying goodbye to can be donated to reNew Thrift!


AFTER you’ve decluttered and gotten rid of things, it’s time to take what you have left and get organized. What is Spring cleaning without some organization? Everything should have a place. Place your items by category and fit them into stylish boxes to keep out or in storage boxes for the closet or garage.

Papers are probably the most annoying to organize. But did you know that you don’t have to hold on to your receipts forever anymore? Click HERE to find a guide from Dave Ramsey on what papers to keep and what papers to shred.

Deep Clean

Now that you’ve got everything in order, it’s time to do your deep clean. This is when the floors get swept, the kitchen and bathrooms scrubbed, etc. After doing all of your decluttering and organizing, this part should be a breeze!

After you finish your Spring cleaning, your home will feel so refreshed! Breathe easy this Spring and just get it over with. Get your home back in order so that you don’t have to stress about going home to a mess.

Find a Spring cleaning checklist HERE!