

Your little one is going to love our Nursery – it is a warm and loving place to be. Your baby will be loved on and cared for while having a great time learning about God and connecting with other young children. We want you to be able to relax and focus on your time at worship, knowing that your child is having fun and learning in a safe and secure environment.

May we give you a nursery tour?

Due to our current safety procedures, nursery tours are scheduled in advance. Please contact us, and we’ll be happy to schedule your family’s tour.

Do you have a new addition to your family?

Please take a moment to let us know by emailing Chante Crowder for our Sharpsburg Campus or Morgan Johnston for our Thomas Crossroads Campus. We would love to celebrate with you by sending you a gift. We will also update your family’s record so that your little one will be ready for his/her first day in the nursery. Once your record is updated, you will begin to receive news regarding the nursery, our Dedicate class, baby dedication, and other events. Thank you for taking the time to share your good news with us!